Tuesday, August 20, 2013

One Man's View of The World

Koreans have Mongols' DNA!
I learned something reading from LKY's One Man's View of the World. The Koreans have the Mongols' bloodline! I knew that part - Yuan generals and admirals were preparing an all out assault on Japan from the Korean Peninsula some time in the 1200s. It is generally believed in Japan that the country was saved by "divine" winds, but some recent researchers argue that Japan has to thank disgruntled Chinese for constructing sub-standard ships for the serviced of their new masters. It didn't occur to me that the Mongols also left their genes in Korea! (Interesting indeed but not surprising though; after all, one in eight in Central Asia can claim to be a descendant of the great khan!)

The Incredible Birds at Orchard Road!
I always wonder, why very few birds on the trees that line Singapore's Orchard Road soil the walkways below - where tens of thousands (70% Indonesians and 20% Filipinos?) throng every night? (Elsewhere, you are sure to be hit on the head. Yak, it is so slimy!) I can only surmise this, even the birds in Singapore listen to (or fear?) LKY.

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