Let China sleep. For when she wakes, the world will tremble.
This line has always been attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte, circa 1816. (No scholar, however, is certain that he had actually said it!)
* * * * *
Even though most of the stuff they use in their everyday life carried a “Made in China” product origin line in the package, many people around the world still think China is a poor Third World country. You ask an average Joe in Australia, chances are that he has not heard of BeiDou, neither does he know that China has landed a craft in Mars, or its space station is now orbiting the Earth. I am pretty sure that he also does not know his Wi-Fi router carries a Huawei logo. Before the current trade tension, roughly one-third of Australia’s exports went to China. Yet, this average Joe will tell you China is a big bad wolf. Has he visited China? No.
This is not peculiar to Australia; this ignorance is everywhere – right from the US heartland to Modi’s India.
In the Nancy-and-Ted’s (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Ted Cruz) world of America, the only China they know is their Chinatowns, the dragon dance, or the noisy tourists from China they see in downtown malls Many don’t even realise the gadgets they pick up from the local DIY outlets are from China, save that they appear to be very inexpensive compared to yesteryears'! Otherwise, China is the yellow peril that CNN and Fox News are constantly calling out: the genocides in Xinjiang (when perhaps three quarters of America do not know where on Earth it is), the suppression of democracy in Hong Kong, the risk posed by Huawei, and the theft of American knowledge by Chinese scholars and students in American universities, etc. Sooner or later, they will also add in Tibet and Macau in their “concern” list.
There is a common denominator in this demonization of China: their news media. I have already written much about its mercenariness, suffice to say that it is getting worse by the day and the paranoia has begun to cascade down to non-western reporters and journalists who have, advertently or inadvertently, become a tool of the politically and financially powerful anti-China forces in the US, Australia, and Europe. (Several who write for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and CNN or host for Aljajeera, for example, are Chinese, ethnically! You can also discern subtle skepticism - borne out of political biases than objective reporting - from South China Morning Post, CNA and The Straits Times from time to time.)
Remains of Summer Palace today |
Opium addicts |
The British and Germans have an intimate knowledge of China and Chinese, thanks to their 19th Century gunboat diplomacy in China. However, unlike Angela Merkel, whose stateswoman stature is admired well beyond Germany and regardless of race, creed or colour, Boris Johnson is a parochial politician. His flip-flop over Huawei is a clear-cut case of the man’s indecisiveness and ever-readiness to please America at any cost. And the British and Irish ought to take note; the South Asians are returning to rule them! (I flew into Birmingham Airport not too long ago; I thought I was flying into an India of the 22nd Century. I Hope my South Asian friends take this as a compliment! I understand Johnson is also one-quarter Turk.)
Joe Biden is making every attempt to provoke China in South China Sea and this is an opportunity for Johnson to ingratiate himself deeper with the former. A show-of-the-might fleet there is British’s nostalgic walk down the memory lane of the era when they were exercising gunboat diplomacy at will on China. But this is 2021! They forgot their HMS Repulse and HMS Prince of Wales were sunk by Japan without much ado. Can their HMS Queen Elizabeth and its flotilla now loitering right in front of China’s front yard stand a chance if China decides to test their DF-21D missiles on them?
The terror that was inflicted by the Japanese army in China and Southeast Asia, especially to their Chinese populations, is still vividly remembered by some who are still alive today. China was in a sorry state for more than a hundred years before Mao Tze-tung took over in 1949. The later Manchu government was totally inept, and the country was constantly ravaged by natural disasters. The warlords and Kuomintang were happy to see the country burnt while they fought for territories and loot the masses. Whereas in Japan, the Meiji Restoration had already propelled the nation to be at par with the western powers in terms of sophistication.
The Japanese had a grand design to rule East and Southeast Asia and even Australia under their Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere ambition. In their process of invading China, they began to cultivate a contempt for Chinese – borne out of the filth they saw in Chinese lives. To the Japanese, Chinese were sub-human, hence the slaughter without conscience.
To the US, the tens of thousands who died in their hands – the Afghans, the Syrians, the Libyans, etc in the Middle East, and the Vietnamese and Laotians in Indochina – and the millions they caused the local regimes/dictatorships to exterminate in Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Central and South America and Africa all in the name of fighting Communist dominos (see Bevins V, The Jakarta Method, 2020) are just inconvenient collateral damages in their mission or zeal to uphold their concept of goodness to the world.
For years there was a White Australian policy until it was formally dismantled by the Whitlam Government in 1973. Successive governments have been friendly until the present one came into power. Even then, Scott Morrison did not lend himself as an attack dog at the beginning, even though several of his cabinet members were already making strong anti-China statements from time to time. Things came to a boil when Trump came to power and Morrison was happy to lend a big hand to help Trump to contain China. There was no looking back since then. Australia is now a staunch American ally. Many would ask, why would Australia do it when one-third of its goods are shipped to China? But if you look into history, Australia has always been a willing partner to the UK and the US: First and Second World Wars, the Vietnam War, and more recently the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
And day in and day out, you read and watch incredulous stories about China spun by the Murdoch papers and channels!
If there is such a thing as a Genocide medal to be awarded in modern history, I am pretty sure the US, Canada, and Australia with their treatment of natives would have made it to the podium. And if there is such a thing as Atrocity Olympiad, then Japan with its deeds in China and Southeast Asia during World War II would certainly qualify to be No 1 with Germany in close second. But in the Unconscionable Killing category, the US is surely the indisputable champion during the last fifty years. Whereas Germany and to some degree Australia and Canada have expressed their guilt, Japan is still most reluctant to admit what they have done during World War II. To their misplaced mind, they were trying to do these victims a good deed!
Cotton slavery in America |
Under King Leopold II |
Australian guilt? |
Miserable China |
Where had these Canadian children gone to? |
And in Narendra Modi’s India, it is all about tall poppies. How can China be more successful than us? The most formidable names in the world are headed by Indians – Google, Microsoft, Pepsi, Harvard Business School, and even the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, which was founded by Chinese, etc. We were the first Asian to reach the Martian orbit. How Can China be more advanced than us?
Not many Indians have visited China. Their concept of China is not different from the Americans’: Blue ants and sweatshops. But they love the affordable mobile phones from China. I love to use the term Modi’s India to describe India. I have many friends who are Indian. We are intellectual equals, but I couldn’t help rubbing into them this irony: A country of 1.4 billion people and you have some of the best brains in the world, yet you have chosen a Donald Trump to be your prime minister!
I remember when I did my sixth form, many of our science textbooks were from India. When I was doing my Engineering degree, we knew many of the pioneers of our Keretapi Tanah Melayu (Malaysia’s railway authority) came from the Indian Railway.
And there was this Non-Aligned Movement (NOM) during which China’s Zhou Enlai and India’s Jawaharlal Nehru were together at the forefront to resist “imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination, interference or hegemony as well as against great power and bloc politics. More recently you had the BRICS Summits where the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa would meet to promote political, commercial, and cultural cooperation between the five nations. No one doubted India’s non-aligned mindset.
However, the recent border skirmish with China and its inability to manage the corona virus pandemic must have jolted Modi and turned him into an anti-China fanatic. Your enemy’s enemy is your friend, how true it is! The US became an overnight friend, hence the formation of QUAD hoodlums.
Many scholars contend that India was never a nation until it gained independence from the British. A nation as defined by Cambridge Dictionary is “a country, especially when thought of as a large group of people living in one area with their own government, language, traditions, etc.” In another dictionary, it is “a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own.” To a hair-splitter like me, India is not a nation in the strictest sense of the word. It is a country of many peoples – in terms of religion, culture, language, history, and what-have-you. In the Tang Dynasty, circa 600-900 AD, there was already a strong bond between China and "India". The glue of this bond, as we all know, was Buddhism. I honestly believe most Indians today do not think that historical foundation is significant enough for posterity.
Far away in Africa and Central America, the China and Chinese they notice or understand come in the form of images of quiet and hardworking technicians who are putting up infrastructure in their towns or running the mines in their outback. The West is saying that the Chinese are there to strip Africa’s resources. Yes, the minerals are being mined and stacked at ports waiting for shipment to China. But do the Chinese exploit them like what the colonial powers had done? Remember how cruel King Leopold II of Belgium was to the Africans? And the number of slaves that were ended up in America’s cotton fields?
Come on, Americans and Europeans, you should not just parrot what your government and armchair journalists said about genocide or forced labour to China! You need to go there if want to know the truth!
Samuel Huntington talks about the looming clash of civilisations (2003). His argument, if I remember correctly, is based on the incompatibility that he sees in many aspects of the cultures of the nine distinct civilisations that he has mapped out. I supposed he was more alarmed about the widening of the value gap between the Judah-Christian west and the Islamic world than the rest. That was the prevailing concern then; for Islam was increasingly seen as a new world destabilizing force. The emergence of China was not apparent then.
However, after the ascension of Obama, the pivot was shifted to a rising China. Only two civilisations are in danger of clashes – the western, led by the US, and China’s. That need to check China became Trump’s political capital. And instead of rationalizing the whole need, Biden went on to build on it. He wants to outdo Trump, lest he becomes a one-term president.
The clarion call has been issued. At one corner is the US’s brand of evangelism, and at the corner is the reluctant China, guided by its Before-Christ, principally Confucian, philosophy.
Had Trump and Biden not burned the dragon’s whiskers, China would have been content to just plod on to fulfil its xiao-kang (小康) or “moderately comfortable” ambition. From time immemorial, save the century of humiliation in the 1800s to 1900s, China had always been an advanced nation of the time, but it had never wanted to go beyond the Himalayas in is southwest, the Steppes and deserts in its west and north, and the seas in its east. It was an agricultural nation! People have to till the land! It built the Great Wall to deter the constant threat posed by the Mongols and the central Asian tribes. If Chinese had the western mindset, many parts of Southeast Asia, Australia and East Africa would have been China’s colonies for a long time. The three hundred years after the Ming dynasty was an aberration in China’s nature to better themselves.
Now China realizes it needs more than its formidability in supply-chains to do so. It cannot count on anyone anymore. It has to build its own capabilities in chip-making, advanced jet engines, military, and space explorations, among others. The US is going all out to choke off China in all these fronts, particularly the chip supplies. But it fails to basically understand this reality: many of the scientists and engineers in chip-making industries, from machines to design to production, are ethnically Chinese. Now that China has made up its mind to be self-sufficient in this field, it is only a matter of time this DNA would return to China and help make it the No 1 in this technology.
Ditto on military capabilities. The way the US is rallying its partners to demonstrate their naval power right in front of China’s doorsteps – all in the name of navigational freedom and “protect” Taiwan – forces China to invest in defence and space capabilities and to strengthen its resolve to take back Taiwan. Had the west and Japan not been encouraging Taiwan to go independent, China would have been happy to allow Taiwan to prosper under the one-country-two-systems arrangements. And Hong Kong would not have to pass those laws to ward off western hypocrisy.
America is seeing a Chinese ghost everywhere it goes. It is gripped by hallucinations. And this has made its policy totally incoherent. So far, only Canada, the UK, Japan, Australia, and some minion countries in Europe are happy to become America's blood brothers. Much of the rest the world is paying lip service. They simply must think where the food on the family table is going to come from.
Whereas Trump’s focus was on trade and technology, Biden’s is all out blockades. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is like an ant on a hot plate – right behind Wangi Yi everywhere the latter went. But he is not achieving much of what Biden has asked. Wendy Sherman looked ill at ease in China, despite her formidable reputation. Llyod Austin looks as clumsy; he simply does not know the protocols. A case in point is their visit to the ASEAN countries. There is a cultural wisdom in these countries, having lived side by side with China for hundreds of years. America has never paid much attention to them, and now they are trying to woo them to its cause or mission. These countries have millions of people of Chinese descent in their midst. They are loyal to their respective countries, but many are also proud of the civilization they belong to. And they know, only a strong China can help them to stand tall. And the silliest of all America’s diplomatic attempts – to try to influence Russia to go against China. Vladimir Putin easily puts Biden into his pocket! Putin is a leader extraordinaire. He is made of solid steel!
The US is a country that is deeply divided – between Democrats and Republicans, between races, and between extreme wealth and abject poverty. Its very foundation is indeed at risk of crumbling. Its cities and infrastructure are decaying. Its finances are in deep sinkholes. An important pillar of economy, namely, Chinese talents, is having second thoughts about their future in America. A pandemic is still ravaging. Yet, it keeps looking back to whack China, just because it is pacing behind in the run.
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Just another Black life? |
Look at the picture below. Maybe it can offer us some wisdom. Few had heard of Taliban, despite the fact that not even the mighty Soviet Union could subdue them - until September 11th 2001. Afghanistan was blamed for the al-Qaeda terror. The country was duly invaded. At that time, the world was on America's side.
No Tuxedo? |
Another well-written article, well-researched and well-articulated. 👍
ReplyDeleteIndeed a insightful n well balanced written piece.... kudos to the writer....👍👍👍👍
DeleteThe article is very well written, with great details.
DeleteOne thing missing, in Singapore, DBS Bank is headed by Indians and flooded by Indians. The Changi financial hub and the Marina financial centre are Indian communities. The Singaporeans has been displahed to left to work as Grad/taxi driver and food couriers.
Singapore is multi racial . So what's wrong if the majority in the financial fratenity are Indians ?
DeleteOne of the best articles in English about China - West thinking...
DeleteYour blogs will only be read by the converted. Comment in the BBC FOX. CNN Gravitas etc U tubes commentary. This way rational arguements ( no names calling just cold logic) can be put forward against some of the outrages stories that are spew out
ReplyDeleteGreat summary, well written and articulated.
ReplyDeleteYou have portrayed a good understanding of the westerners thinking and its historical implications in the Asian context.
ReplyDeleteAsian cultures should not be swayed by the haughty Europeans and Americans.
You have included some Chinese wordings showing your understanding of the Chinese beliefs and cultures with a well written English.
The west should get hold of your excerpts and get the Biden administration to hold sway your righteous comments and call for working truce between US and China with India as a moderator.
Very well-written by a western educated, Oriental person. He understands the aspirations and cultures of the East and West. This article should be read by Western policy makers.
ReplyDeleteA very well written n balanced view. A commendable piece Indeed....👍👍👍👍
ReplyDeleteA concise no-nonsense piece of writing. Inspiring to many Chineae diaspora across the world not because we're Chinese, but because it provided an alternative world order not dominated by the west. When all nations grow the world benefits.
ReplyDeleteGreat write up. I enjoyed it very much.
ReplyDeleteIt's *Thought re-Provoking* article on how the world has evolved and changed in the last century. Kudos to Mr. Lim for sharing the information which we knew in bits and pieces. China is always not the aggressor for she knows the pains and torture of being victims and marauders from past thousands of years. Xi Jing Ping is a breeze fresh air in peace to humanity.
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing this article, I really hope that those still cannot see the facts, especially the descendants of dragon who have been misled or deceived can wake up.
ReplyDeleteAll Chinese should read it..
ReplyDeleteAll Asians living in the US should read this.
DeleteGreat article, but I must add that Singapore’s Straits Times today is merely a parrot of the bias Western press, with zero journalistic value.
ReplyDeleteSpot on William.
DeleteIncluding most Malaysian NGOs, eg. Aliran, main stream medias and more so the "other" medias readily parrot the western medias. The Americans generously fund these organisations.
DeleteSimilarly, CNA is just a parrot repeating what was said on CNN, without checking the facts independently and intelligently.
DeleteA brilliant piece of research. Thank you for the insightful comments. Keep going limyubook.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and many thanks to the author Yubooklim for writing and publishing such a fantastically great article to open the eyes of the whole world, particularly the English-speaking Western world. Hope every reader would share it out for the benefit of mankind!
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't China allow its currency to float?Like Australia and other countries.
DeleteWell written and well researched, analysed based on history facts that had built up and shaped today's world and led to its present developments.
ReplyDeleteHow to manage 2 Lau Tah, one fast becoming a irrational barking dog, and the other a rapidly growing sleeping dragon, better to let the latter sleep and ignore the sporadic barking of the coyotes.
ReplyDeleteA must-read article !
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for a well written article..well researched and great understanding of the West...Wish to read more of your articles...
ReplyDeleteA masterful and well-researched article of the history and cultural aspirations of the Chinese Race. The Chinese diaspora has always lived in peace with their neighbors in all the countries they emigrated to. China is only interested in trade, not war.
ReplyDeleteA very well written article. I cannot find a single disagreement. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteIt is a great article. Unluckily, the whites will not read it. Or if read will not agree. But good try, and thanks for your efforts. I agree 100% with you.
ReplyDeleteAccurate representation of current geopolitical situation.
ReplyDeleteThe US n G8 cannot accept a non Anglo Saxan disrupting the world order which they enjoyed for last two centuries.
The rise of China is based on self development n hardwork in contrast to western’s military aggression n colonisation.
The rejuvenation equates to The Renaissance.
The longest surviving civilisation is retaking its global stage in this generation in the long timeline of history with revival of cultural values different from the west.
Still Chinese must be walking with pride yet must be humble in manners
DeleteBe like a Bamboo, the higher you stand, the lower you bow!!
ReplyDeleteA very well written article on current China-US relationship and geopolitics.
ReplyDelete👍👍👍to the author .
Support China.
ReplyDeleteRead together with this and you know it is an AngloSaxon plot to bring down China. I agree Singapore Straits Times narrative is very pro West, even its directives in Western vaccine. True: many multinationals are run by Indians!
Many thanks to author for this very insightful a d well balanced article. I hope the politicians of the world especially the Wests get to read this and BELIEVE!
ReplyDeleteMr Lim, I am happy to see a very accurate, insightful and well written (your written skills are still as sharp as then) piece. 👍. Jeff Mah Guthrie-Bendy
ReplyDeleteJeff, thanks for your kind words!
DeleteYu Book, good article.
ReplyDeletepiang yow here
DeleteHi PY, thanks for your encouragement!
DeleteGreat piece and balanced too. The West just cannot or do not want to understand China
ReplyDeleteVery good analysis and objective.. kudos to the well written article
ReplyDeleteIt gives us geopolitical perspective on how countries can turn adversity and rivalry into opportunity and to live harmoniously. Every country leader should read this for making this world a better place. Please help circulate.
ReplyDeleteGood writing! Insightful with in-depth understanding of China!
ReplyDeleteA great little article but I wonder why the 8 Nation Alliance attack wasn't mentioned, and a little error, it's Wei-Ji and not Wei-Chi
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThank you. I was trying to be concise. The picture on the Remains of the Summer Palace was meant to illustrate the "deeds" of the 8-Nation Alliance in China. As for the pinyin, I am semi-illiterate in Chinese; hence the Fujianese slant. Happy to accept.
DeleteSome would say your essay is biased, a China narrative.To me, yours is a balanced, tell it as it is, world view worthy to go viral. Thank you Mr Lim.
ReplyDeleteWell researched and written in a style that is interesting to read and comprehend.
ReplyDeleteMy utmost respect for an insight so well written and factual. Please continue to share ad enlighten us. Many thanks!
ReplyDeleteI like your write up and I sincerely believe that the days of European dominance should be over and the EAST must revive its greatness and dominance in the world. I support the rise of China but not at the expense of other Asian countries. China must never show its aggressiveness and bully weaker Asian nations but behave as a benevolent elder brother, willing to give a hand to lift the weak. There must be a change in world order but not a bloody revolution. China has shown its expansionist behavior by occupying Tibet, the Xinjiang in western China and trying to occupy parts of India in the north. China already have a huge territory and yet it wants to encroach into another countries' territories. These show the negative intentions of China. China must demonstrate its sincerity and honesty and not dubious characters. Together China and India can show the way to a better and a prosperous world that benefit the whole of mankind. If greed and dominance is the motive then all the developments will only create more miseries. Thank you.
DeleteHi Vengadesan, thank you for your comments. All of us no matter how hard we try to be objective, we will always be influenced by news media from time to time. Regarding your concern about China's design on Xinjiang, Tibet and frontier land in India, I am happy to let good historians tell the truth to our future generations. I am 72 and have visited every continent except Antarctica. I always conscious of humanity's need to be humble and to constantly learn from others. Personally, I have many Indian friends and are deeply impressed with their professional abilities. I only wish Prime Minister can reflect a little intellectually - to see that a closer India-China relationship will certainly help pave the way for him to improve the quality of live amongst India's poor. There is so much India and China can work together, instead of sending warships to accompany the American flotilla there.
DeleteSince Tang Dynasty, Tibet has been in China Maps. Xinjiang has been a part of China since Qing Dynasty. Vietnam and Korea had been paying tribute to Qing Dynasty for a long time. After world war 2, China loses outer Mongolia, and parts Heilongjiang(to USSR). Traditionally, Chinese has been a farming states, it will not fight unless provoked. Fighting in foreign land, who will take care the land, crops and families, at home they have everything that they can produce, why go and pick up fights. In modern days, Chinese like to live in Chinatown in foreign land, it is hard to make them leave Chinatown. It is a product of farming DNA that has been in Chinese blood.
DeleteVery interesting and factual article. Everyone should read it 🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteYou should send this article to CGTN (China Global Television Network). So that many young Chinese overseas people can read this article. 🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteYou should send this article to CGTN (China Global Television Network). So that more young overseas Chinese can read this article.🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteU can do it for him.
DeleteI do not think China has expansionist plans as stated by one of your readers but they're more interested in expanding their business empire to include other likewise thinking countries as in their believe that when you prosper thy neighbor you in return prosper thyself, which is why they have taken the initiative to launch the one road one policy project.
I believe Professor Kishore of Singapore would be an expert to comment on China and it's expansionist plans. He truly understands China better than anyone else.
ReplyDeleteThank you for a great article with important revelations that every Chinese person should know about. Some of the world's worst human rights violations were committed by western nations in the enslaving of African and South American natives. I am proud of the fact that Chinese have never enslaved another race. Every Chinese should be aware of this fact and hold our heads highs on this record. I would like to ask the political leaders of Australia: When will an Australian PM make an apology to the Chinese Australians for the cruel treatment of the Chinese during gold rush days and for its Australian White policy?
ReplyDeleteit simply boils down to colour of our skin. white is better. yellow is peril. so with such mentality, it is extremely difficult to think / act otherwise; that there is enough wealth in this world to be shared by all of humanity. white supremacy is still evident and yet eroding. their past atrocities are returning to haunt them. karma is walking stealthily around. the bullied is no longer to be bullied. so the world with many a confused mind are standing like Buridan's ass! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buridan%27s_ass]. sad that it has come to this. greater would be the joy for us all, irrespective of colour, creed, religion, to bask in the glory of unity, peace and oneness.
ReplyDeletewhen China was in the doldrums around and after the Boxer Rebellion, an unknown personage then said in 1917 - (excerpted)
China, china, China — China-ward. China has most great capacity. Its people are true-hearted and truth-seeking ... China is the country of the future. Its men and women are free from deceit and hypocrisy, and are possessed of ideal natures.
Kishore Mahbubani said in his book Has China Won. One of the main reasons of the US China competition is that West is afraid of "Yellow Peril.. Non Caucasian power..."
ReplyDeleteWith a Dragon-long list of Historical Experiences,the Wise in China Recorded in their Annals for the Benefits of Future of Mankind. 👍👍💓
ReplyDeleteThoroughly enjoyed reading this. Kudos. I have questionable beliefs on so called international rules such Basel 2 and 3 banking capital standards, International Financial Reporting Standards, AMLA etc for many of these were too heavily western-influenced.
(NO MEMBERSHIP FEE TO JOIN ILLUMINATI), I am giving a testimony on how i became rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i searched for help from different corners but to no avail… I see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it through out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me.” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found a number of an agent Jackson +1(409)2993890 and we decided to contact them and fortunately we did as them instruct us to do and later, them told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great Illuminati gave us $7,000,000.00 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great Illuminati all you need to do is for you to contact, him on whatsapp +1(409)2993890.
ReplyDeleteA very quick all round concised article on Western imperialistic attempts and sabotage on China imminent rise in world order. Therefore All overseas chinese should realise this and hence must provide morale support to their ex motherland. Chinese esp those overseas can only stand tall with a powerful china. We overseas chinese been subjugated to Western conformity and their self claimed superiority far too long now.
ReplyDeleteBf Thanks for a very detailed analysis. Time for the West to wake up and introspect so that they can realize their own faults and deficiencies. What goes up must come down and the rising sun is setting for American hegemony. The sooner they realize it, the better and they should stop their war mongering ways and do some active housekeeping and leave China be to flourish and grow. It is China's turn to rise and shine and nothing is going to hinder that
ReplyDeleteThorough, researched and beautifully written. Salute. Thank you👍👍👍👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏