Sunday, June 16, 2024

Thanks to Joe, the World is Breaking Up!


Several indicators have emerged over the last couple of months as to how 2025 and beyond will roll out for the world.

Thanks to Joe Biden, the world is certainly splitting solid into two domains – (a) the old system led by the US and its AUKUS die-hards (the UK, Canada, and Australia), allies like Japan, South Korea and Europe’s NATO and pro-NATO countries, and fan club members like the Philippines, Argentina and Jordan, and (b) the emerging core of China and Russia new order. The latter has amongst them comrade states like North Korea, Venezuela, Belarus, and Cuba. For that description, China can also have Pakistan, Cambodia, and Serbia to count on, though vulnerability remains in some. The new order includes the other pariahs in America’s eyes – countries like Iran and Syria – and is also attracting countries in South, Central and West Asia, Africa, South America and the Pacific Islands.

In between there is a basket of other nations, some of which are quite tired of the US, like its hitherto ally Saudi Arabia, Global South states that are led by more rational leaders like Brazil, South Africa, and a host of others trying to balance themselves between the US and China, like most countries in ASEAN. India stands on its own – led by Narendra Modi who unlike any other, only does things to suit its own interest, regardless of geopolitical consequences.

I really doubt it is Biden who is in-charge in America. Judging from the way he wanders around even in tightly orchestrated situations, I dare say he is mentally incapable of knowing himself, let alone making serious decisions. The “Deep State” (i.e., the Zionist-driven Military-Industrial and Media Complex of America) is calling the shots; and Biden is just the convenient puppet.

Biden has helped to cement this China-Russia hating culture in America. No matter who gets elected in the coming November presidential election, this culture will continue.

Three key areas are solidifying this geopolitical divide: (a) the war in Ukraine, (b) the war in Gaza, and (c) the tension in the Taiwan Strait.

Those who have a clear head know what has prompted Russia to invade Ukraine. But thanks to the propaganda machines from the West and many willing ethnically Chinese accomplices, Russia is seen to be the evil wolf. The cold truth is, despite all the sanctions, Russians are whacking the Ukrainians hard. If not for the support of the US and NATO and their allies, Zelensky would have been a piece of dead meat by now. And despite the huge financial and military help from the West and their allies, he can hardly carry on.

On the other hand, Hamas are very good in shooting their own feet. Their abduction of Israelis has given Benjamin Netanyahu the determination to wipe them out of Gaza. Some 40,000 Palestinians, majority of whom are women and children, have been already killed in the conflict. The rest are like ants on a hot plate, moving from place to place, without any hope of settlement. The obvious acts of genocide on the part of Netanyahu’s forces have also turned much of the world against Israel and its patron, the US.

The consequences of the two wars are dire for both the Ukrainians and the Palestinians in Gaza.

I will talk about the tensions in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea later.

First, let me focus on the latest news: The G7 meeting that has just been held in Italy’s city of Fasano.


G7: From Benevolence to Robbery…

A bit of background on G7… When the world was reeling from the first oil shock and subsequent financial crisis, the heads of state and government of the six leading industrial countries – the US, West Germany, France, the UK, Italy, and Japan – met in 1975 for the first time to discuss the global economy. They were joined in 1976 by Canada. In the 1980s the G7 extended its interests to embrace foreign and security policy issues; there were conflicts like Iran and Iraq and the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan those days. Russia was invited to the table in 1998, but following its annexation of Crimea, the fraternity decided to exclude Russia in their 2014 meeting.


G7 is supposed to be an informal bloc, but thanks to Biden, it is now acting like an alliance to stop China and Russia. Their landmark decision in this 2024 summit: To confiscate Russian assets and use them to support Ukraine.


It is crucial to note that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammad Bin Salman had declined the invitation to attend this year’s summit. Leaders of Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Indian, Jordan, Mauritania (representing the African Union), Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, the UAE and the Vatican are also attending.

G7 on Thursday agreed on a plan to give Ukraine $50 billion loan to help it buy weapons and begin to rebuild damaged infrastructure. The upfront money will come from the US, the EU and some G7 countries, though the details on how much each entity contributes is being worked out.

The idea is to use the nearly $300 billion in Russian assets in the West, frozen after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, as the basis for the loan. The money will be repaid over time with the profits earned from those Russian assets, about two-thirds of which are in Europe. Many of the assets are in bonds that have matured, creating interest of, depending on the interest rate, $3 billion to $4 billion a year. (It is also worth noting that the US House of Representatives had in fact already passed a bill for that purpose in April.)


It the seizure is acted upon; it would definitely undermine international financial rule of law. Who would feel safe to put their money in the West’s financial institutions?

And Now Back to Saudi Arabia… 

Saudi Arabia is not renewing its 50-year petrodollar deal with the US

To me, the most important event so far this year is Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew its 50-year petrodollar deal with the US – a decision made when G7 was meeting in Italy. For obvious reasons, little has been publicized about this decision by the West. Russia has been de-dollarizing its trade, however, its impact and success so far have been at best modest. But the Saudi decision is going to be seismic. It is expected to accelerate the global trend of using currencies other than the US dollar in international trade, or de-dollarisation. It will change the world’s financial order in due course.


Originally signed on June 4, 1974, the petrodollar deal effectively help sealed US Dollar’s hegemony in global finance.


Not only that, but it is also joining Project mBridge…

Saudi Arabia’s central bank has decided to join the central banks of China, Thailand, Hong Kong, and the UAE in Project mBridge. The project is a cross-border experiment with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) for international trade. The project was launched in 2021 to assess the viability of CBDCs for instantaneous cross-border trade and other payments using the project’s blockchain, the mBridge Ledger, which is a possible CBDC alternative to SWIFT. Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has also announced that Project mBridge, after three years, has reached the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) stage and is requesting private sector firms to propose new solutions and use cases that help develop the platform and display all its potential. In addition, the mBridge’s six full participants, 27 other official entities, including IMF, the World Bank and the central banks of Norway, South Korea and Türkiye have signed as observers to the project. Major global financial institutions like Goldman Sachs, HSBC, and China’s six biggest state-owned banks, are also working on the project. (Not all of these will sustain their interest – likely due to G7 pressure – though.)

These moves by Saudi Arabia marks the beginning of a major shift in global economic and financial dynamics.

And the New Tariff Walls:

On May 14, the US introduced new tariffs on several Chinese products on the pretext of China’s “overcapacity” and “unfair trade practices” talks. Most significantly, the duty of electric vehicles (EVs) has been raised from 25% to 100%, and batteries, battery components and parts, and critical minerals, from 7.5% to 25%, either immediately or in stages. Others affected are steel and aluminum, semiconductors, solar cells, ship-to-shore cranes and medical products.

(The Rasputin of the US politics Donald Trump had earlier warned his countrymen that if he were to lose the 2024 election, it would be a “bloodbath” for the US auto industry and the country. This news came after Joe Biden’s 100% tariff announcement on Chinese electric vehicles. Both are trying to outdo one another to kill China. But I do not know what Trump really means by his latest war cry. Is he saying Biden is not doing enough?)

Just as the G7 summit was about to take place, the European Commission announced that additional duties of up to 38.1% would be levied on imported Chinese electric vehicles from next month. (BYD 17.4%, Geely 20%, those who cooperated 21%, the rest 38.1%, and probably to placate the US, EU said Tesla may receive an individually calculated duty rate on its China-made EVs when definitive duties are imposed in November.)

Overcapacity is a term that was coined by Janet Yellen to describe China’s super competitiveness. She is insulting man-in-the-street’s intelligence, yet the political leaders in Europe are parroting and crowing it like a new economic buzzword. Anyone who has a rudimentary knowledge of economics knows subsidies, tariffs, etc will not help make one’s products more competitive. It will only create complacency and finally kill them. But Biden is more concerned about vote-hunting, and Ursula von der Leyen wants the US to lobby support for her re-election as EU’s President and she is happy to shoot the feet of fellow German automakers to please Biden.

The 2024 European Parliament Election Results

The voting took place from June 6 to 9. Far-right parties in France, Italy and Germany gained grounds and the liberal and the Green groups lost seats and relevance.


Domestic politics was upended in some countries, prompting French President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve its National Assembly and call for a snap election after his party was trounced by Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally. Belgium’s Prime Minister Alexander De Croo similarly resigned. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was also dealt a blow. His party Fidesz suffered its worst European election results to date, ceding ground to its centre-right opponents. His setback is bad news for China.

Von der Leyen’s party held its ground. If she succeeds in her re-election pursuit, she will certainly continue with her “pro-Ukraine, anti-China” policies.

The Greens were squeezed across Europe.

Now, the Hoodlums in North and South China Seas…

All of us know the two hot spots in East Asia: Taiwan and North Korea.

The totally pro-American South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol is opposed to accommodation with his kinsmen in the north. He and the war in Ukraine are pushing Kim Jong Un to become abang-adik of Vladimir Putin. From time-to-time Kim would fire a rocket or a missile to remind South Korea and the US of his gravitas, and this has created opportunities for countries like Australia and the Netherlands to send their ships or planes to fly around the area. And the area is right at the doorstep of China! Can China tolerate? Of course not!


China was so disdained of the Netherlands’ warship near its doorstep that it sent one of its oldest planes to intimidate it. (Some Taiwanese scholars said the plane should have discharged some human waste on the warship when flying over; others thought it should have dropped some leaflets with the image of Zheng Chenggong 郑成 onto the ship to remind the Dutch of their defeat at the hand of the former.)


Yes, China is not forging a formal alliance with Russia. But their relationship has thickened over the past couple of years. They are opening a huge common development and market zone in the Russia’s Far East and China’s northeast provinces. Remember Putin’s swing to Harbin to lay a wreath there during his May state visit to China? Japan You watch out; I have not done with you yet!


And Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, are sailing into Cuba’s main harbour! Moscow thinks it is time for them to flex their naval muscles in US’s own backyard. Let’s see how the US would react this time.


Across the Taiwan Strait

William Lai Ching-Te made his “presidential” inauguration speech on May 20. It is clear that he is determined to pursue a “Taiwan as a separate country” policy, regardless of what China has warned. China is in a dilemma. It is not difficult for China to overwhelm Taiwan militarily if it wants to. But the cost may be too high for it to bear – in terms of winning the hearts and minds of Taiwanese, since no matter how careful the operation is, deaths and destruction will invariably result.


On the other hand, if China does not act, the people in Taiwan, especially the young, will drift further and further in accepting China as the core motherland. Immediately after Lai’s inauguration, China staged an air-and-sea military exercise around Taiwan. Most Taiwanese have just shrugged it off as another show-show sign from China. But they may not realize the underlying dangers. China is adopting the “boiling-toad” strategy. One fine day, Taiwanese may wake up to find PLA soldiers right in front of their doorsteps.


Earlier in the month, top US admiral Samuel Paparo said the US military had a plan to turn the Taiwan Strait into an “unmanned hellscape” if China invaded. It is touted as their “Hellscape Strategy,” which will employ thousands of drones to make China’s military “miserable”. This will also buy the US time to respond. He is obviously angling for more money from the Congress!


Around the waters of the Huáng Yán Dǎo (黄岩岛. Scarborough Shoal)

Marcos Jr will certainly continue to poke China in the eyes. Sure, many of the islands that China is exerting sovereignty are geographically absurd to be theirs. But this is a cruel fact of history. Falklands, Diego Garcia, and many island in the mid-Pacific should not have been the British’s, the American’s, or the French’s. But they are. Before World War II, Filipinos were ruled by the Spaniards and later, the Americans. They had no territorial concepts beyond their main islands. The areas had historically been identified as China’s, you need to talk to the Chinese, not poke into their eyes!


But Marcos’s agenda is more personal than what is meant to be good for the Filipinos. His father’s ill-gotten billions are still sitting in America, so is his desire to rule the Philippines longer than what is now allowed. The Philippines will suffer greatly from tourism losses and its agriculture produce. And in the event of a hot war, the American bases are the natural targets of China’s missiles.


His father started his presidency with a noble mission. He soon turned the Philippines into a “Strong man” state and helped himself indiscriminately with the state’s coffer. And he became a fugitive. But his misdeeds were soon forgotten, thanks to Filipinos’ easy to arouse and easy to subdue nature. Is he going down his father’s path? Or does he care?


BRICS’s Archilles Heels

Started with Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (hence BRICS), the bloc has expanded to include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the UAE as full members in January. Argentina decided not to accept membership after “rock-star” Javier Milei was elected president.


It started well, then it went through a period of uncertainty, when Jair Messias Bolsonaro became Brazil’s President in 2019. He was totally pro-Trump and was acting like a spanner in the fraternity. Brazil became a key player again after Luiz Lula da Silva returned as president in 2023.


It has often been touted as the future of the world, a slayer of the US hegemon, and a champion of de-dollarisation, Global South good causes championship, etc. But I always think there is an Achilles heel embedded in the fraternity in the name of Modi, India’s prime minister. Modi is a Hindu “saint”; he has only one agenda: take advantage of any situation that India can benefit from, regardless of its longer-term impacts or consequences. His vision and foresight are parochial in essence. He sees China with a pair of green lenses. And the West loves that and will do everything to encourage his G7 pretensions. The Economist magazine is a super-optimist about its future.


Some think that with the erosion of his support base in India’s latest general elections, Modi may mellow down somewhat. I think he will continue to adopt the anti-China policy since it is not a cause of the drop in his popularity. By and large, Indians do not take kindly to China’s advances.


It is likely that China, Russia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia will stay true to the spirits of the bloc. Countries like Iran is too ideologically entrenched. Egypt is largely a lame duck, and Ethiopia, UAE, and South Africa are too light-weight politically and economically.


And Now, Back to China’s Situation

I had always been a critic of China and many aspects of Chineseness, until Xi Jinping was installed as the leader of China in 2013. I even took offence when I was said to be a huá qiáo (华侨), which would imply that I was a sojourner but still called China home. Through the reading of Professor Wang Gungwu’s arguments, I came to use the term huáyì () to describe my heritage. Xi changed my perspectives about China and myself. I am, after all, a Zhōng-Guó ren (中国人) and should be proud of this fact. He is taking China to earn its rightful place in the world. The West knows China’s exceptionalism and is determined to retard it, even though China has said time and again it does not seek to replace any country as the hegemon of the world. I read widely and am seeing how the West is using its formidable media to spread lies and disinformation about China. The undiscerning lot are buying them hook, line and sinker. It is now my mission to help China tell its stories.


Chang'e 6 (嫦娥六号), Most Proud of You!

Doesn’t this say loud and clear that China is no inferior to any nation in the world technologically?


The mission began on May 3 when the probe was launched from Hainan Island. The materials collected from the far side of the moon is just the trophy. It is the flawless steps that have to be undertaken underscore the sophistication of the technology involved. 


The moon is tidally locked to the Earth, meaning it has equivalent orbital and rotational periods, causing the same side of the celestial body to constantly face our planet. Because of this, line-of-sight communication with spacecraft on the far side of the moon is impossible without utilizing additional relays. 


Now that Chang'e 6 has entered lunar orbit, it will coordinate with China's recently launched Queqiao 2 relay satellite to perform orbital correction manoeuvres ahead of releasing the combined lander and ascent stage from the orbiting probe for their landing attempt. Chang'e 6 is aiming for Apollo crater, inside the moon's South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin, where researchers believe samples may contain clues about the moon's early history and evolution.


The samples were packaged in a canister-like container on top of the ascender, which then took off and rendezvoused and docked with the probe's orbiter-returner combination.


The samples were transferred from the ascender to the returner during this step. After orbiting the moon for around 14 days, the orbiter-returner combination will enter the moon-Earth transfer orbit. The combination will then operate in the orbit for about five days and will make one to three orbital adjustments during this period.

At a position around 5,000 km above Earth, the returner will separate from the orbiter and start the phase of re-entering the atmosphere and returning to Earth. The returner will touch down at a planned landing area at Siziwang Banner in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Chang'e 6 will collect a targeted 2 kilograms of lunar samples from the surface, as well as material drilled from up to 2 meters (6.5 feet) underground. Those samples will be stowed in the Chang'e 6 lander's ascent module, which will then launch and rendezvous with its probe counterpart in lunar orbit. 


The samples will then be relocated to a re-entry module on the Chang'e 6 orbiter, designed to protect the lunar material during re-entry through the Earth’s atmosphere, followed by a transfer burn of the probe's engine to set the spacecraft on an Earth-return trajectory.

Even the “photographer” behind the historic image of lander and the Chinese national flag on the surface of the moon’s far side is a marvel. It was done by a 5kg mini rover using software that allow it to move autonomously across the lunar surface to find the “best” angle for the picture!


And Huawei’s Pura 70
I am a great fan of Ren Zhengfei. I already possess a Huawei matepad and a GT4 watch, even though many of their functions are beyond me. My wife even wears her Huawei when she exercises and when she goes to bed! I had placed a booking for its Pura 70, but to my great disappointment, it is not able to download certain apps which I have to use in my work. It is not because it is incapable of; rather, it has been denied the access.

The harder the US sanctions Huawei, the more breakthroughs it will deliver. And the Americans are still scratching their heads where Huawei gets their chips!


起来! 起来! (Qǐ lai, Qǐ lai, Stand up! Stand up!)
One thing is certain though, no matter who gets elected, the US will continue to bash China. China will therefore step into a 2025 that is full of land mines and choked with poisonous gases.

There are three foreign science payloads in Chang’e 6 – a radon measuring instrument from France’s national space agency, a passive laser retroreflector from Italy’s National Institute for Nuclear Physics and a negative ion detection instrument from the Swedish Institute of Space Physics. It is said that the European Space Agency may put a stop to all future cooperation with China’s space agency. Why? Uncle Sam’s pressure, of course.

The Financial Times just reported that the British army is delaying King Charles cap badges. Why? A UK Defence official cites the possibility that tracking devices or GPS transmitters could be embedded into the metal crests of these badges. Paranoid? No, says a friend. It is simply a part of their demonizing campaign against China. Period.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US military even launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines. (Rodrigo Duterte was President then.) Through phony Internet accounts, it bad-mouthed Chinese face masks, test kits and Sinovac vaccines. You can see how low they are prepared to stoop! Now it is a piece of public knowledge. Do Filipinos realize that their protector is capable of compromising their lives if it suits them? Maybe I should paraphrase the recent remark of an American influencer (Scott Ritter?): We Americans don't love you! We just love your ingratiation and subserviency. 

How should China prepare itself to go into 2025?

My answer lies in the lyrics above, which is part of the Chinese national anthem!

And don’t waste time talking with the leaders from the West and pro-West countries. Just go ahead to do what is good for China and your friends in the Global South.



  1. Will this first comment also be expunged by Blogspot?

  2. 3/n

    4. That the masses in the US and Europe are against immigration and income disparity says they are against changes to their social identities and they are articulating their despair about the rising costs of living including housing, healthcare, transport and education, both waves brought about by inept but persistent government domestic policies, and cross-purpose and hypocritical foreign policies which destroy trust, propagate destruction and seed future conflicts in developing countries.

    Meanwhile the west continued to try and tar Xi who has no choice but to blunt the side-excesses of China's opening up with Deng's "to be rich is glorious" taken too literally without provisions for human weakness in corruption.

    As that phase of remediation completes, the next phase of world-oriented reforms has been introduced.

    Although there have been some policy mistakes however quickly amended, Xi is doing well with the cleaning-up of China in keeping with her social democratic norms alloyed to her pragmatic capitalist thrusts anchored by policies of Confucian tradition embedded with marxist reminders of peoples first.

    China remains laser-focused on development for peoples equivalent to state whilst exercising with full force the DNA of learning at the fastest velocity in keeping with her centuries-long and amply tested resilience against the destructiveness of foreign intrusions.

    On the other side of the globe however, the US and Europe may talk about MAGA, BBB and rightwing politics but, as the whole world has seen, they won't directly serve their peoples in the end otherwise those sloganeerings wouldn't have been attempted. Their policies will only create a race to the bottom.

    The facts are incontrovertible - for instance, tariffs, sanctions, secondary sanctions and outright theft of interest incomes from seized foreign reserves will only inflate consumer and industrial costs, net-reduce jobs, and invite equivalent asymmetric reactions.

    If the US had been more patient and benevolent, less brutish and brutalist, it would have found no necessity to go against anyone not in its tendentious mould. Instead, it has become the global policeman wielding its baton in the darkness of its own shadow against imagined slights and gaslighted threats when others are merely progressing by their own efforts which could otherwise have been cooperatively tapped for its own future benefits and therefore national interests, security or otherwise.

  3. 4/n

    5. I concur with Mr (Ir) Lim's assessment. Biden has broken the world. If Trump reenters, he will powderize it further. One is a puppet tied to strings, a soporific somnambulist too political to check facts on the ground about others, depending on recommendations by jungle-bred hawks and geopolitical racialists; the other is a megaphone unchained by facts, running on the fumes of lies, hellbent on mercantilist bludgeoning .

    Both are run by peoples in the background such as the US lawmakers which proposed banning TikTok - but after buying shares in Meta. You have it - extra-judicial congressional insider-trading. And not a pipsqueak from their voters.

    It would be a blast if the US in trying to isolate China ends up by global reaction isolating itself. Its present economic run won't last.

    Even Moore's law for semiconductors will have to contend with small nodes reaching a limit whereupon unit cost will be too prohibitive for commercial viability. And the US' Raimondo and Estevez are stupidly causing the future closure of China's demand market for US chips by reaction when China's chipmakers achieve replacement criticality.

    Left to be said - India and Japan. Modi's India will see more opposition voice and provincial interests. He now has to juggle more balls in the air; his oligarchs will play more their own cards.

    Tokyo and Seoul have met up with Beijing. Northeast Asian economic ties remain paramount - and above the costly therefore unsustainable divisiveness of US military influence.

    After all, expanded economic trade means common and sustained prosperity, therefore votes, support and less trouble. After years of prosperity eating sashimi and playing video games, Japan, for that matter Taipei, don't have the requisite knapsacked manpower to exert more military presence or sustain a fight to the finish. Better they not take up the US plan to egg China into a fight soon before she achieves military parity soon enough.

    Japan should remember its past. Not just Nanjing and Unit 731 it exerted on China but also the firebombing by the US of Tokyo besides Enola Gay and Bockscar.

    What has China ever done to Japan that Japan should today still work against her?

  4. 5/5

    Indulge me as i share my trilogy comments on my hypothetical conversation between America (A) and China (C) in:

    see page 10, then page 9 - but after page 1 et al - all in my name.

    I have posted many comments then and earlier in Chinadaily's forum, only stopping when its server seemed non-functional, even non-redundant.

    I will later share other links which may be of interest to all.

    For the sake of the young and old all over this globe, the world needs to heal - before it gets heeled.

  5. 6/6

    Trying to post some links blocked by Blogspot:

  6. comments 1 and 2 have disappeared.
