Friday, August 30, 2024

Why did Jake Sullivan visit China?


I have always contended that the person who is running the White House is not Joe Biden. He is too semi-demented to do that. I maintained that the person who is calling the shots is Jake Sullivan.

Antony Blinken is intellectually and conceptually too shallow to act effectively or prestigiously as the US’s Secretary of State. Janet Yellen and Gina Raimondo are laws unto themselves; as for Llyod Austin and Katherine Tai, the former is a “potato” and the latter, someone who still needs to prove she is more American than Americans. Austin and Tai probably take orders from Sullivan.

As for Kamala Harris, she was a wall flower in the White House. Nobody has placed any attention to her existence – until she was anointed by Biden to be the Democrats’ White House nominee.

Yes, CNN and all the media aligned to the Democratic Party are furiously promoting Harris, and Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance seem to be shooting their own feet these days, notwithstanding, I still see Donald taking the trophy in November – for a simple reason: Most Americans cannot tell what is right or wrong, or good from bad. However, I am not implying that the Harris team is better. None of the breed of American leaders is good for the Global South!

Biden is already a lame duck and why was Sullivan visiting China?

After helping Biden to kick China so very hard for the past three years, Sullivan has probably realised that all the Biden administration’s efforts to weaken China has proven not only futile but indeed counterproductive. Yes, China is suffering pains right now, but its resilience will persevere to greater heights. No doubt about this.

China may also appear weak in dealing with jokers like Marcos Jr. But Xi is an extraordinary leader. He will prevail without firing any shots! When to strike? Sun Tze’s answer: When your enemies are in a totally disarray situation, which the US is about to enter into.

Sullivan is smarter than Blinken. He suspects China might be about to strike, and any move in that direction by China will doom Harris’s chance of getting elected. (Apparently, none of American’s aircraft carrier group is in East Pacific now.) His main mission was to gauge China’s preparedness, hence his meeting with General Zhang Youxia, the vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission. Meetings with Wang Yi were just the old fried rice stuff. And getting to call on President Xi was a chance in his lifetime.

Why are the Chinese still entertaining him?

Read Sun-Tze!


  1. Look at big picture. Why many western leaders visit China and why no Asian leaders visit Biden, USA

  2. China reiterated her red-line and told Sullivan in no uncertain terms that the US must not exercise military collusion with Taipei which would encourage its separatists thus posing the greatest risk to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

    Yet, after meeting Wang and Zhang who had admonished him that the US must cease its arms sales to Taipei, Sullivan as the Cardinal RIchelieu of Pax Americana didn't exhibit one iota of diplomatic finesse when he called a press conference on Chinese soil and with sheer gall said the US sticks to its One-China policy, the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiqués, and the Six Assurances. Did he forget to add a partridge and a pear tree?

    The US' Six Assurances to Taipei under its Taiwan Relations Act in fact devalues the Three Joint Communiqués signed with China for they say the US can supply arms to Taipei which therefore represents its attempt to nullify the sovereignty of China over Taiwan by delimiting the bilaterally-signed One-China policy to mean the US' One-China policy.

    Ignoring China's objections to the continued arms sales which under Biden has occurred 15 times, Sullivan proceeded to say those arms sales under the US' One-China policy actually contributed to peace and stability.

    This only confirms that by using 'One-China policy', he meant the island to the exclusion even of peaceful reunification. Japan, South Korea and the Philippines should take note how the US can post eventus slice an agreement to mean different things. A used car salesman would blush in shame by comparison.

    China should be careful dealing with this troublemaker who studied law at Yale (and therefore was probably inducted into its infamous secret society called Skull and Bone).

    On the same matter of peace and stability, Sullivan rancorously said China must not supply dual-use components to Russia. China replied for peace and stability, the US must not send its arms to the Ukraine for that may lead the US and Russia, both nuclear powers, into direct conflict since such arms are being used by Kviv to strike into Russia.

    This shows the difference with regards consistency. The US uses silo-set, tick-box, itemising but by doing so, it trips over itself when it says it can arm Taipei for peace and stability even while knowing that doing the same for Kyiv will only bring the opposite result whereas China shows seamless consistency by saying what applies for one theater of conflict should on principle also apply to another.

    (You know, some of us only have petaling street education, not ivy-league yale)

    Although lasting more than 11 hours over six sessions, his delegation's visit achieved nothing concrete. This shows there are fundamental disagreements which past and future dialogues didn't and won't resolve. In a week's time, there will be another round of talks on commerce and trade. Before November, there may be video-calls during the G20 and Asean summits. What has changed before that offers hope to the world next? Tiada, yilek, nada, nyet, nein, não, méi yǒu.

    After all, even before Harris and Walz get a crack at the White House, the US media has already generated worries Walz who has visited and worked in China before might become too friendly later.

    Suffice to add, looking at the face photos of his meeting with China's representatives who looked confident and ebullient, Sullivan looked slightly tense and worried. Maybe he was dealt a card he could not refuse.

    Else he lost some color when told Sun Tzu's 37th strategem - offensive defense.

    Meanwhile, should she get elected, Harris may open her folio's on Philip Gordon and Rebecca Lissner as her foreign policy guys, not that anyone hasn't cringed over her Biden's Blinken, Campbell and Jake the rake. So long as not Trump's Navarro, Bannon, Lighthizer, Pottinger, Pompeo, McMaster... that list was adversarially tedious.

    In sum, America's smarts riding on its horse of hegemony are frankly overrated.
