Tuesday, June 9, 2020

CCTV6, General History of China

A friend forwarded this link to me:

This is a 100-episode history of China produced by CCTV6. It spans the last five thousand years or so of China’s history. The length of each episode is about 45 minutes. It will take you 75 hours to view all of them.

I must say it has been well-researched and produced. However, I do take exception to a couple of things:

1. While most of the experts who were invited to give commentaries on the various important historical figures and events do appear to be authoritative in what they say, I just could not help conclude that many are story tellers, rather than researchers in the true academic sense. Supposedly private or intimate conversations, say between the emperor and his favourite concubine, or between a minister and his adversary or confidant, were used by them to draw conclusions, how could this be acceptable? They may argue that they have the “historical records” to back them up, but these records also carry the same baggage.

2. You often hear “million-strong army” or “hundreds of thousand-men army” were mobilized to go into a battle. But I thought I heard the populations of the early dynasties were about 60-70 million or so. And there were divided into so many warring states. How could each have such a strong force? Early historians sure loved to exaggerate.

I am surprised that this series is only available on YouTube. It will be good if it can be also made available on DVDs. I am sure it will also be welcomed by non-Chinese speakers. One with English subtitles is apparently available, but it is too grainy for viewing comfort.

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